The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may Have and Enjoy Life, and have it in Abundance (to the Full, till it Overflows)- John 10:10b (Amplified)

The J.E.M Within- Thank you Jesus for enveloping me with the length of days and years of life [worth living] And tranquility and prosperity [the wholeness of life’s blessings] that are added unto me.- Proverbs 3:2 (Amplified)

In The J.E.M Life Worth Living Academy are Variations to Help You Express Yourself- The U Creation Designed to be Free in Voice, Creativity, Writing, Dancing, Singing, Acting and the list goes on of what Our Maker can do through our Miraculous heART beats when we come into Formation with the Greatest Inventor Alive- The One who knows us more than anyone else and who Loves us with All His heART.

Our Heavenly Father and through The J.E.M Within...

God is more than willing to help you get out of Your Revolving Door from the DISSES of Everyday Life-

DISeases, DISorders, DIScouragements, DIStractions and DISappointments with being led into a Life Worth Living Free from what keeps You from Fully Living. So your heART of Creativity will be Flowing with Thanks to the One You Chose to Partner with to Make it Happen.

With Gratitude in saying, "Thank You Jesus for Expressing, Encouraging, Equipping, Educating, Empowering and Embodying Me through the Doubts, Worries, Fears, Addictions, Abuses, Suicidal Afflictions and So much more of what The J.E.M Within has helped me Overcome and has Created a Way Out for You to be that Beacon of Light for you and your Loved One's. '

So that you may Enjoy Life and not stay stuck in the Disses nor have anything steal the Fruit you've worked on so You Can Reap a Harvest- Galatians 5:22-23 The fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Where the Misunderstood...Belong*


Are you ready to Welcome your Future Self?

With a Yes and willing Heart to Say Bye, Bye to the Old and ready to speak of the nonexistent things that [He has foretold and promised] as if they [already] existed- Romans 4:17 to YOUR FUTURE SELF...

With Saying,

"Thank You Spirit, Soul and Body for Partnering with the One who Created my heART to bring forth only what You can Produce through me, in Jesus Mighty name, Amen!

Thank You for that much needed Time4R&R’s- Reviving and Restoring what the enemy stole- 7x's Over- J.E.M Guided Meditations- Jesus Equipping and Exciting Me to have this Child like Faith of Releasing what tries to steal my Joy and Peace.

Recognizing how to be One Love within to be Expressed out with Notes to My Worthy Soul from J.E.M Skits.

With Stability to pursue my Dreams-United in Friendship and Relationship giving Prophetic Insight into my NEXT.

While enjoying my Present Moments through Creative Sparks in B*Blessed enhancing Financial Boosts to Sustain my God- Given seeds of GREATNESS just waiting to be Birthed and brought to Harvest.

Where there is an Understanding-Truth in the Misunderstood, intricate layers of My One of Kind Deep heART SOUL Beautiful!

Accepting the Beauty of this Body Form, with letting go of "Perfection" and embracing the New in J.E.M Shape Up.

It is in the heART of Intimacy- INTO- ME- I- SEE...I have found that piece I've been missing,

That Created Piece- God Provided making this heART come to Life!

It is In this J.E.M Life- where God’s Truth-Word is Revealed through Supernatural Encounters- Heavenly Guidance to Expose what is not real and unveil-uncover your True Form.  

It is in One’s True Form- A Life see’s what God had intended for His BeLoved long ago- Truly Experiencing the Value your Chosen heART needed Confidence in- Where your Treasure is found and has the capability- capacity to house the Kingdom of Greatness that is God’s Treasured heART for All to Encounter that which you have Chosen to partner with. 

So Fasten your Belt of Truth- because this ride has been Waiting for YOU and is Ready to SET YOU FREE!!! 

Any present moment is a choice to unwrap what is within, what are you waiting for? - The J.E.M Life

For You Will Know The Truth and The Truth Will Set You Free- John 8:32 


*Creation Acting via J.E.M Skits in the Form of Expression*

With Who Am I? A Form of finding Your True Identity through the Creative heART.

This ACTION TAKE is a reference to exploring what is Your True Form through Holy Spirit Creativity and J.E.M Education of Who Am I Really, with a Humility embracement of Who Am I that God would Save and Choose a wretch like me with bringing forth Soul Healing, Truth in Body Distortions, Creative Acceptance and much more via The Priceless J.E.M Masterclasses:

- Soul 101- Saying Bye, Bye To Your Old Self- B*Cause Your Worth It -Where the S.O.U.L is willing to connect with the Spirit- Holy, Set Apart for God's Purpose****Colossians 3:12-17* With Notes To Your Worthy Soul!

- Spirit 102- J.E.M Guided Meditations *Meditating on things above****Colossians 3:1-3* With Sunshine Gifts of Love Released!

- Body 103 J.E.M Shape Up!* Getting Affirmed in the Temple****1 Corinthians 6:19-20* With B*Cause You're Worth It Affirmations!

- Creativity 100 Trinity Designs *Using the Gifts God has placed within You****1 Corinthians 12* With Ways to Earn Extra $ via Trinity Designs!

- Color Me Happy Stories- Miracles Moments *Overcoming by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of Your Testimony****Revelation 12:11* With Color Me Happy Stories- J.E.M's United in Love & Scars- Your Story Matters and can Save a Soul!

Creation Acting will have your heART be TransFORMED from the Inside Out- simply by Watching and Encouraging You to Unveil the Darkness and become God's Creative Light.

The Fruit of the (consistently) righteous is a tree of life, And he who is wise captures and wins souls (for God- he gathers them for eternity).- Proverbs 11:30 Amplified

Have nothing to do with the Fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them- Ephesians 5:11 NIV

That you may show yourselves to be blameless and guileless, innocent and uncontaminated, children of God without blemish (faultless, unrebukable) in the midst of a crooked and wicked generation [spiritually perverted and perverse], among whom you are seen as bright lights (stars or beacons shining out clearly) in the [dark] world,- Philippians 2:15 AMPC

Have Your Why be The Expression of Your Voice and Conquer your fears, by letting God fight your battles and getting the Message across through You- Jesus Empowered Me in that time to Overcome the Fear of Speaking by asking me to become an ordained Minister to officiate my brother Philip's Celebration of Life.

With not wanting to at first, and even tearing up that is when Jesus Envisioned Me with Angels at my side giving me extra strength well needed and with the time getting the Celebration together God healed me of the wounds from past trauma that arose fear of speaking.

And, nomatter how silly I sounded, I know the rap/song Holy Spirit created through me for Philip made him laugh as we use to rap back and forth when he was on this earth; therefore drove out any fears of rejection/judgements of what anyone else thought of me- that's what happens when our Why is Focused On the Heart of what Matters.

Behind my Brother B.j and I...

God gave me the vision of the ART Mural of my brother Philip with Jesus in Heaven with Warriors at the gates (with open faces for loved one's to take pictures with Jesus and Philip)

Thank you to Leslie Greentz for bringing the Vision to life with the Gift God has given to her in Painting it Out

***Why we do this: ProjectSave.1MoreLord-

With Philip losing his battle to Addiction, but Justice is being served through Justice4Voice and ProjectSAVE.1MoreLord.

The Lord gave me this verse after Philip had gone home with him being 34 years old and it happened in 2018-

With it being the heART of ProjectSave.1MoreLord

The Lord is close to the Broken Hearted and Saves the Crushed in Spirit- Psalm 34:18


Prophetic Art Encouragement in Creativity 100 in The J.E.M Life to help you Create it Out- along with Time4R&R's

BeLoved, allow your heART to express the healing it needs.
In picture was a nature filled expression created in Lake Tahoe with Glad Tidings Church-

Another shout out to Leslie Greentz for being our Art Guide

This day was special for many reasons and one of them was getting to know Katrina- Beautiful, Expressive- Funny and Loving Woman of God R.I.P BeLoved Child of God (Second from the Bottom Row on the Left)


This is what saved my life from not going back into my revolving door of addictions, abuses, suicidal afflictions and much more-
The J.E.M Within- Jesus Encouraged Me to just start writing it out and it helped me to Express buried emotions that led to The B Books getting published and then one door opened after another of God's Blessings of Love that empowered me to embrace the Journey of when in doubt-

Write it out, Voice it out, Create it out, Sing it out, Dance it out and Act it out-

What a Treasureful J.E.M Experience Life Can be when we Embrace God's heART that Expresses through us into a J.E.M Life Worth Living*
